Leading with our value of Transparency, we built your SlotCycle Wallet, where all Debits and Credits within SlotCycle.com pass through. The SlotCycle Wallet is an account that allows a Client to maintain a balance. All financial transactions pass through this wallet. If you pay with a credit card or via ACH, the amount will be deposited first into your SlotCycle Wallet; funds can then be used to pay for goods and services in the marketplace. The SlotCycle Wallet can be found under your login name and in your profile. Look for My Wallet in the left menu bar. Below is a screen image of a Buyers account, with credits and corresponding debits for the purchase process.
Besides, Credit Cards and ACH, if allowed, a Client can wire funds to be placed on deposit within the SlotCycle Wallet. Funds must be on deposit or accessible via financial institutions, credit card or ACH, to buy from Sellers. Funds can also be on account of selling goods or services. The money can be withdrawn at any point in time via the SlotCycle Wallet by entering the amount and pressing the Withdraw Amount button.
The SlotCycle Wallet is a powerful feature on SlotCycle.com, enabling gaming transactions throughout the world.