This is a self-navigating API documentation. Please feel free to explore across the Index. API calls gives you a hands-on experience of those methods provided. Field reference lists, describes the type of information provided
by the API.
This is a self-navigating API documentation. Please feel free to explore across the Index. API calls gives you a hands-on experience of those methods provided. Field reference lists, describes the type of information
provided by the API.
curl -X POST “”
Name | Description |
userdetails |
- {
success : boolean,
data : string
success : boolean,
- {
“success” : true
“data” : “user registered successfully”
“success” : true
- {
success : boolean,
data : string
success : boolean,
- {
“success” : false
“data” : “Failed to authenticate token.”
“success” : false
curl -X POST “”
Name | Description |
userdetails |
- {
success : boolean,
msg : string, -
data :
- {
success : boolean,
msg : string,
data :
id : Number,
first_name : String,
last_name : String,
email : String,
phone : String,
status : String.
admin : String,
success : boolean,
- {
success : boolean,
- {
“success” : true,
“msg” : “successfully login”,
“res_code” : “202”,
“data” :
“id” : 630,
“id” : 630,
“first_name” : “dhansekar”,
“last_name” : “padmanabhan”,
“email” : “”,
“phone” : “+91 123456789”,
“status” : “active”,
“admin” : 0,
“login_token” :
“success” : true,
- {
success : boolean,
data : string
success : boolean,
- {
“success” : false
“data” : “Failed to authenticate token.”
“success” : false
Get Watchlist
curl -X GET “”
Name | Description |
- {
success : boolean,
data :
- {
success : boolean,
data :
ptitleurl : String,
title : String,
user_id: number,
status : number,
avatar : String,
date_closed : String.
id : String,
success : boolean,
- {
- {
“success” : true,
“data” :
“ptitleurl” : iphone,
“title” : iphone,
“user_id” : “469”,
“status” : “1”,
“avatar” : “e277d955208e54ce6d3a3744bc8e6b06.jpeg,
“date_closed” : “2019-02-07T20:48:59.000Z”,
“id” : “63”
“ptitleurl” : watch,
“title” : watch,
“user_id” : “469”,
“status” : “1”,
“avatar” : “e277d955208e54ce6d3a3744bc8e6b06.jpeg,
“date_closed” : “2019-02-07T20:48:59.000Z”,
“id” : “75”
“success” : true,
- {
success : boolean,
data : string
success : boolean,
- {
“success” : false, res_code: 302
“data” : “invalid credentials”
“success” : false, res_code: 302
Watchlist Add
curl -X GET“ 163”
Name | Description |
- {
success : boolean,
data :
data : String,
success : boolean,
- {
“success” : true,
“data” :
“data: ” : added to your watchlist,
“success” : true,
- {
success : boolean,
data : string
success : boolean,
- {
“success” : false, res_code: 302
“data” : “invalid credentials”
“success” : false, res_code: 302
Search List
curl -X GET””
Name | Description |
- {
success: boolean,
data: [
ptitleurl: String,
uname: String,
sea_price: number,
id: number,
title: String,
description: String,
avatar: String,
image: String,
document: String,
date_added: String,
date_closed : String,
category_id: String,
subcategory: String,
tags : String,
sprice: String,
rprice:number (float),
work_loc: String,
country”: “Nigeria”,
state”: “Imo”,
user_id”: 630,
invite_people”: null,
status”: “open”,
created_at”: “2019-04-06T13:17:07.000Z”,
updated_at”: “2019-04-08T05:24:41.000Z”,
budget_type”: null,
buynow”: 1,
feature”: 0,
home_page_listing_fee”: 0,
shipping_price”: “0.00”,
shipping_description”: “DHL”,
bprice”: “1.00”,
mprice”: “0.00”,
iprice”: “0.01”,
wprice”: “0.00”,
market_status”: “open”,
auction”: 0,
is_same_location”: 0,
qty”: 1,
sold”: 0,
paypal_address”: “”,
future”: 0,
duration”: 0,
time”: 0,
time_level”: “”,
duration_type”: “D”,
booked”: 0,
city”: “Avutu”,
sell_location”: “Nigeria”,
used_image_space”: 0,
length”: 1,
width”: 1,
height”: 1,
weight”: 1,
zipcode”: 54545,
sku”: “454”,
brand”: “22”,
item_condition”: “New”,
measurement”: 1,
free_ship”: 0,
deals_day”: 0,
measure_id”: 0,
returndays”: 1,
taxper”: 5,
bids”: 0,
closed: String,
ptime: String,
stime: String,
ctime: String,
day : String,
wsprice : String,
ptitle : String
- {
“success”: true,
“data”: [
“ptitleurl”: “Test Product One”,
“uname”: “dhansekar p”,
“sea_price”: 1,
“id”: 236,
“title”: “Test Product One”,
“description”: “Test Product One “,
“avatar”: “320330b5074da297743f58fd9dec3409.jpg”,
“image”: “watch.jpg”,
“document”: null,
“date_added”: “1999-12-31T23:00:00.000Z”,
“date_closed”: “2019-04-17T13:16:00.000Z”,
“category_id”: “2”,
“subcategory”: “10”,
“tags”: “sasasa”,
“sprice”: “0.00”,
“rprice”: “0.00”,
“work_loc”: null,
“country”: “Nigeria”,
“state”: “Imo”,
“user_id”: 630,
“invite_people”: null,
“status”: “open”,
“created_at”: “2019-04-06T13:17:07.000Z”,
“updated_at”: “2019-04-08T05:24:41.000Z”,
“budget_type”: null,
“buynow”: 1,
“feature”: 0,
“home_page_listing_fee”: 0,
“shipping_price”: “0.00”,
“shipping_description”: “DHL”,
“bprice”: “1.00”,
“mprice”: “0.00”,
“iprice”: “0.01”,
“wprice”: “0.00”,
“market_status”: “open”,
“auction”: 0,
“is_same_location”: 0,
“qty”: 1,
“sold”: 0,
“paypal_address”: “”,
“future”: 0,
“duration”: 0,
“time”: 0,
“time_level”: “”,
“duration_type”: “D”,
“booked”: 0,
“city”: “Avutu”,
“sell_location”: “Nigeria”,
“used_image_space”: 0,
“length”: 1,
“width”: 1,
“height”: 1,
“weight”: 1,
“zipcode”: 54545,
“sku”: “454”,
“brand”: “22”,
“item_condition”: “New”,
“measurement”: 1,
“free_ship”: 0,
“deals_day”: 0,
“measure_id”: 0,
“returndays”: 1,
“taxper”: 5,
“bids”: 0,
“closed”: “2019-04-17T13:16:00.000Z”,
“ptime”: “April 17th, 2019”,
“stime”: “January 1st, 2000”,
“ctime”: “April 17th, 2019”,
“day”: “08d:03h:24m:01s”,
“wsprice”: “0.01”,
“ptitle”: “erere”
- {
success: boolean,
data: String
- {
success: false,
, data: ‘invalid credentials’
Profile Update
curl -X GET””
Name | Description |
userdetails |
- {
success: boolean,
data: String
- {
success: true,
res_code: 202,
data: ‘profie updated successfully’
- {
success: boolean,
data: String
- {
success: false,
data: ‘invalid credentials’
Get Country
curl -X GET””
Name | Description |
- {
location_id: number,
name: String,
location_type: number,
parent_id: number,
is_visible: boolean
location_id: number,
- {
“location_id”: 6204,
“name”: “Abia”,
“location_type”: 1,
“parent_id”: 156,
“is_visible”: 0
“location_id”: 6204,
- {
success: boolean,
data: String
success: boolean,
- {
success: false,
data: ‘invalid credentials’
success: false,
This is a self-navigating API documentation. Please feel free to explore across the Index. API calls gives you a hands-on experience of those methods provided. Field reference lists, describes the type of information provided
by the API.
This is a self-navigating API documentation. Please feel free to explore across the Index. API calls gives you a hands-on experience of those methods provided. Field reference lists, describes the type of information
provided by the API.
curl -X POST “”
Name | Description |
userdetails |
- {
- success : boolean,
data : string
- success : boolean,
- {
- “success” : true
“data” : “user registered successfully”
- “success” : true
- {
- success : boolean,
data : string
- success : boolean,
- {
- “success” : false
“data” : “Failed to authenticate token.”
- “success” : false
curl -X POST “”
Name | Description |
userdetails |
- {
- success : boolean,
msg : String,
data : {
id : Number,
first_name : String,
last_name : String,
email: String,
phone: String,
status: String,
admin: Number
- success : boolean,
- {
- “success”: true,
“msg”: “successfully login”,
“res_code”: 202,
“data”: {
“id”: 630,
“first_name”: “dhansekar”,
“last_name”: “padmanabhan”,
“email”: “”,
“phone”: “+91 7299347253”,
“status”: “active”,
“admin”: 0
- “success”: true,
- {
- success : boolean,
data : string
- success : boolean,
- {
- “success” : false
“data” : “Failed to authenticate token.”
- “success” : false
This is a self-navigating API documentation. Please feel free to explore across the Index. API calls gives you a hands-on experience of those methods provided. Field reference lists, describes the type of information provided
by the API.
This is a self-navigating API documentation. Please feel free to explore across the Index. API calls gives you a hands-on experience of those methods provided. Field reference lists, describes the type of information
provided by the API.
curl -X POST “”
Name | Description |
userdetails |
- {
- “successs” : boolen,
“res_code” : int,
“data” : string
- “successs” : boolen,
- {
- “successs” : true,
“res_code” : 202,
“data” : “mail sent for activation”
- “successs” : true,
- {
- “successs” : boolen,
“res_code” : int,
“data” : string
- “successs” : boolen,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 401,
“data” : “Failed to authenticate token.”
- “success” : false,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 400,
“data” : “Required field missing”
- “success” : false,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 400,
“data” : “email already exist”
- “success” : false,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 400,
“data” : “username already exist”
- “success” : false,
curl -X POST“”
Name | Description |
userdetails |
- {
- “success” : boolen,
“res_code” : code,
“data” :- {
- “id” : int,
“first_name” : string,
“last_name” : string,
“email” : string,
“phone” : string,
“balance” : float,
“balance_promo” : float,
“balance_amount” : float,
“status” : string,
“csrf” : string
- “id” : int,
“login_token” : string
- {
- “success” : boolen,
- {
- “success” : true,
“res_code” : 202,
“data” :- {
- “id” : 2,
“first_name” : “Ajay”,
“last_name” : “Mewada”,
“email” : “”,
“phone” : “+91 98765 43210”,
“balance” : 986,
“balance_promo” : 94,
“balance_amount” : 148.94,
“status” : “active”,
“csrf” : “16bebf8bf7a14d2ea57bc1726817a41b”
- “id” : 2,
“login_token” : “”eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6MiwiZW1haWwiOiJ0ZXN0OTU5NTY5QGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsImlhdCI6MTUzNzk1ODg1MH0.2vhV3bfmVQiCPgkp9oROswxj3AZJCLULPnRMQi3kp3c””
- {
- “success” : true,
- {
- “successs” : boolen,
“res_code” : int,
“data” : string
- “successs” : boolen,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 401,
“data” : “Failed to authenticate token.”
- “success” : false,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 203,
“data” : “unverified user”
- “success” : false,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code”: 203,
“data”: “invalid credentials”
- “success” : false,
Forgot Password
curl -X POST “”
Name | Description |
userdetails |
- {
- “success” : boolen,
“res_code” : code,
“data” : string
- “success” : boolen,
- {
- “success” : true,
“res_code” : 202,
“data” : “An email has been dispatched to you to update your password”
- “success” : true,
- {
- “successs” : boolen,
“res_code” : int,
“data” : string
- “successs” : boolen,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 401,
“data” : “Failed to authenticate token.”
- “success” : false,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 203,
“data” : “Email did not match with record”
- “success” : false,
Auctions Won
curl -X GET
Name | Description |
userdetails |
- {
- “success” : boolen,
“res_code” : code,
“data” :- [
{- “amount_paid” : int,
“title” : string,
“id” : int,
“handling_fees” : int,
“user_id” : int,
“proposed_amount” : int,
“status” : string,
“market_status” : string,
“avatar” : string,
“date_closed” : date
“bids” : int
]; - “amount_paid” : int,
“pagination” : string
- [
- “success” : boolen,
- {
- “success” : true,
“res_code” : 202,
“data” :- [
{- “amount_paid” : int,
“title” : “Auction1001”,
“id” : 1,
“handling_fees” : 100,
“user_id” : 2,
“proposed_amount” : 102,
“status” : null,
“market_status” : “sold”,
“avatar” : “34dc37be099975ffa1efe786ef372b55.png”,
“date_closed” : “2018-09-19T07:09:57.000Z”,
“bids” : 1
]; - “amount_paid” : int,
“pagination” : “”
- [
- “success” : true,
- {
- “successs” : boolen,
“res_code” : int,
“data” : string
- “successs” : boolen,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 401,
“data” : “Failed to authenticate token.”
- “success” : false,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 401,
“data” : “Login Required”
- “success” : false,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 401,
“data” : “login token missing”
- “success” : false,
My Auctions
curl -X GET
Name | Description |
userdetails |
- {
- “success” : boolen,
“res_code” : int,
“data” :- [
“id” : int,
“title” : string,
“buynow” : int,
“win_category” : string,
“auctionType” : “string,
“description” : string,
“descriptlen” : int,
“descript” : string,
“bid_multiplier” : int,
“market_status” : string,
“avatar” : string,
“end_date” : string,
“end_time” : string,
“final_capped” : string,
“auction_value” : string,
“percentage_cap” : string,
“bidpack_type” : int,
“bidpack_numbers” : string,
“bid_count” : int
], -
“id” : int,
“pagination” : “”
- [
- “success” : boolen,
- {
- “success” : true,
“res_code” : 202,
“data” :- [
{- “id” : 2,
“title” : “Auction1002”,
“buynow” : 1,
“win_category” : null,
“auctionType” : “reserve”,
“description” : “Auction description
“descriptlen” : 609,
“descript” : “Auction….Read more”,
“bid_multiplier” : “2”,
“market_status” : “open”,
“avatar” : “34dc37be099975ffa1efe786ef372b55.png”,
“end_date” : “September 30,2018”,
“end_time” : “12:39:57”,
“final_capped” : null,
“auction_value” : null,
“percentage_cap” : 0,
“bidpack_type” : null,
“bidpack_numbers” : null,
“bid_count” : 1
]; - “id” : 2,
“pagination” : “”
- [
- “success” : true,
- {
- “successs” : boolen,
“res_code” : int,
“data” : string
- “successs” : boolen,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 401,
“data” : “Failed to authenticate token.”
- “success” : false,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 401,
“data” : “Login Required”
- “success” : false,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 401,
“data” : “login token missing”
- “success” : false,
Send Message
curl -X POST
Name | Description |
userdetails |
- {
- “success” : boolen,
“res_code” : int,
“data” : string
- “success” : boolen,
- {
- “success” : true,
“res_code” : 202,
“data” : “added”
- “success” : true,
- {
- “success” : boolen,
“res_code” : int,
“data” : string
- “success” : boolen,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 401,
“data” : “Failed to authenticate token.”
- “success” : false,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 401,
“data” : “Login Required”
- “success” : false,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 401,
“data” : “login token missing”
- “success” : false,
My Inbox
curl -X GET
Name | Description |
userdetails |
- {
- “success” : boolen,
“res_code” : int,
“data” :- [
“id” : int,
“from_id” : int,
“to_id” : int,
“subject” : string,
“message” : string,
“image” : string,
“date_sent” : string,
“read” : int,
“from_status” : string,
“to_status” : string,
“date_read” :string,
“r_id” : int,
“wchat” : int,
“message_short” : string,
“date_add” : string,
“fname” :string,
“tname” : string
], -
“id” : int,
“pagination” : string
- [
- “success” : boolen,
- {
- “success” : true,
“res_code” : 202,
“data” :- [
“id” : 4,
“from_id” : 2,
“to_id” : 1,
“subject” : “tests”,
“message” : “testm”,
“image” : “”,
“date_sent” : “2018-09-25T12:15:49.000Z”,
“read” : 0,
“from_status” : “open”,
“to_status” : “open”,
“date_read” : “0000-00-00 00:00:00”,
“r_id” : 1537877749,
“wchat” : 0,
“message_short” : “testm”,
“date_add” : “09/25/2018 17:45:49”,
“fname” : “Ajay Mewada”,
“tname” : “Admin WinBid”
], -
“id” : 4,
“pagination” : ”
- [
- “success” : true,
- {
- “success” : boolen,
“res_code” : int,
“data” : string
- “success” : boolen,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 401,
“data” : “Failed to authenticate token.”
- “success” : false,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 401,
“data” : “Login Required”
- “success” : false,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 401,
“data” : “login token missing”
- “success” : false,
Paid Auctions
curl -X GET
Name | Description |
userdetails |
- {
- “success” : boolen,
“res_code” : int,
“data” :- [
{- “amount” : int,
“title” : string,
“id” : int,
“user_id” : int,
“proposed_amount” : int,
“status” : string,
“market_status” : string,
“avatar” : string,
“date_closed” : string,
“bids” : int
], - “amount” : int,
“pagination” : string
- [
- “success” : boolen,
- {
- “success” : true,
“res_code” : 202,
“data” :- [
{- “amount” : 202,
“title” : “Auction1001”,
“id” : 1,
“user_id” : 2,
“proposed_amount” : 102,
“status” : null,
“market_status” : “sold”,
“avatar” : “34dc37be099975ffa1efe786ef372b55.png”,
“date_closed” : “2018-09-19T07:09:57.000Z”,
“bids” : 1
], - “amount” : 202,
“pagination” : ”
- [
- “success” : true,
- {
- “success” : boolen,
“res_code” : int,
“data” : string
- “success” : boolen,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 401,
“data” : “Failed to authenticate token.”
- “success” : false,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 401,
“data” : “Login Required”
- “success” : false,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 401,
“data” : “login token missing”
- “success” : false,
curl -X GET
Name | Description |
userdetails |
- {
- “success” : boolen,
“res_code” : int,
“data” :- [
{- “title”: string,
“user_id” : int,
“status” : string,
“avatar” : string,
“date_closed” : string,
“date_added” : string,
“id” : int,
“market_status” : string,
“seat_started” : int,
“closed” : string,
“ptime” : string,
“stime” : string,
“ctime” : string,
“day” : string
], - “title”: string,
“pagination” : “”
- [
- “success” : boolen,
- {
- “success” : true,
“res_code” : 202,
“data” :- [
{- “title”: “Auction1002”,
“user_id”: 2,
“status”: “open”,
“avatar”: “34dc37be099975ffa1efe786ef372b55.png”,
“date_closed”: “2018-09-30T07:09:57.000Z”,
“date_added”: “2018-09-19T07:02:55.000Z”,
“id”: 2,
“market_status”: “open”,
“seat_started”: 1,
“closed”: “2018-09-30T07:09:57.000Z”,
“ptime”: “30/09/2018”,
“stime”: “19/09/2018 12:32:55 PM”,
“ctime”: “30/09/2018 12:39:57 PM”,
“day”: “03:00:52:55”
], - “title”: “Auction1002”,
“pagination” : ”
- [
- “success” : true,
- {
- “success” : boolen,
“res_code” : int,
“data” : string
- “success” : boolen,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 401,
“data” : “Failed to authenticate token.”
- “success” : false,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 401,
“data” : “Login Required”
- “success” : false,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 401,
“data” : “login token missing”
- “success” : false,
Add to Watchlist
curl -X POST
Name | Description |
userdetails |
- {
- “success” : boolen,
“res_code” : int,
“data” : string
- “success” : boolen,
- {
- “success” : true,
“res_code” : 202,
“data” : “added in your watchlist”
- “success” : true,
- {
- “success” : boolen,
“res_code” : int,
“data” : string
- “success” : boolen,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 401,
“data” : “Failed to authenticate token.”
- “success” : false,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 401,
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- “success” : false,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 401,
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- “success” : false,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 401,
“data” : “Already added to watchlist”
- “success” : false,
Bid History
curl -X GET
Name | Description |
userdetails |
- {
- “success” : boolen,
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“date” : “09/20/2018 12:29:50”
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- {
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- “success” : false,
- {
- “success” : false,
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Change Password
curl -X POST
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userdetails |
- {
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“res_code” : int,
“data” : string
- “success” : boolen,
- {
- “success” : true,
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- “success” : true,
- {
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“res_code” : int,
“data” : string
- “success” : boolen,
- {
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“res_code” : 401,
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- “success” : false,
- {
- “success” : false,
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“data” : “Login Required”
- “success” : false,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 401,
“data” : “login token missing”
- “success” : false,
Place Bid
curl -X POST
Name | Description |
userdetails |
- {
- “success” : boolen,
“res_code” : int,
“data” : string
- “success” : boolen,
- {
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“res_code” : 202,
“data” : “Accepted Bid”
- “success” : true,
- {
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“res_code” : int,
“data” : string
- “success” : boolen,
- {
- “success” : false,
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- {
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- “success” : false,
- {
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“res_code” : 401,
“data” : “login token missing”
- “success” : false,
- {
- “success” : false,
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curl -X POST
Name | Description |
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- {
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“stime”: “26/09/2018 1:29:28 AM”,
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“wsprice”: “52.00”,
“ptitle”: “Geoffs AutoB test”
] - “id”: 19,
- [
- “success” : true,
- {
- “success” : boolen,
“res_code” : int,
“data” : string
- “success” : boolen,
- {
- “success” : false,
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“data” : “Failed to authenticate token.”
- “success” : false,
Update Currency
curl -X POST
Name | Description |
userdetails |
- {
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“res_code” : int,
“data” : string
- “success” : boolen,
- {
- “success” : true,
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“data” : “currency updated”
- “success” : true,
- {
- “success” : boolen,
“res_code” : int,
“data” : string
- “success” : boolen,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 401,
“data” : “Failed to authenticate token.”
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Product View
curl -X GET
Name | Description |
userdetails |
- {
- “success” : boolen,
“res_code” : int,
“data” :- [
{- “id” : int,
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“image” : string,
“type” : string,
“created_at” : string,
“updated_at” : string,
“lft” : int,
“rgt” : int,
“parent_id” : int,
“auc_num” : int
], - “id” : int,
- [
- “success” : boolen,
- {
- “success” : true,
“res_code” : 202,
“data” :- [
{- “id”: 1,
“name”: “Cameras & Camcorders”,
“ru_name”: “Камеры и видеокамеры”,
“ge_name”: “Kameras und Camcorder”,
“fr_name”: “Caméras & Caméscopes”,
“it_name”: “Fotocamere e videocamere”,
“sp_name”: “Cámaras y Videocámaras”,
“description”: “Category”,
“ru_description”: “категория”,
“ge_description”: “Kategorie”,
“fr_description”: “Catégorie”,
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“avatar”: null,
“image”: null,
“type”: “product”,
“created_at”: “2017-06-23T23:13:22.000Z”,
“updated_at”: “2017-06-28T21:54:16.000Z”,
“lft”: 23,
“rgt”: 30,
“parent_id”: 0,
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- [
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- {
- “success” : boolen,
“res_code” : int,
“data” : string
- “success” : boolen,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 401,
“data” : “Failed to authenticate token.”
- “success” : false,
Bid Package
curl -X GET
Name | Description |
userdetails |
Categories List
curl -X GET
Name | Description |
userdetails |
Profile Update
curl -X POST
Name | Description |
userdetails |
curl -X GET
Name | Description |
userdetails |
- {
- “success” : boolen,
“res_code” : int,
“data” :- [
{- “id”: int,
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“balance_amount”: int,
“status”: string,
“csrf”: string
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- [
- “success” : boolen,
- {
- “success” : true,
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- [
- “success” : true,
curl -X GET
Name | Description |
userdetails |
- {
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“data” :- [
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“visible”: int}{
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“sc”: “”,
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- “id”: 1494,
- {
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“state”: “Andhra Pradesh”,
“sc”: “”,
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- “id”: 1495,
- {
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- {
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“sc”: “”,
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- {
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“state”: “Bihar”,
“sc”: “”,
“visible”: “1”
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- {
- “id”: 1499,
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“state”: “Chandigarh”,
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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- {
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This is a self-navigating API documentation. Please feel free to explore across the Index. API calls gives you a hands-on experience of those methods provided. Field reference lists, describes the type of information provided
by the API.
This is a self-navigating API documentation. Please feel free to explore across the Index. API calls gives you a hands-on experience of those methods provided. Field reference lists, describes the type of information
provided by the API.
curl -X POST “”
Name | Description |
userdetails |
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curl -X POST“”
Name | Description |
userdetails |
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Forgot Password
curl -X POST “”
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- {
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- “status”: number,
- {
- “status”: 0,
“result”: “Your account password was changed.please check mail Inbox/Spam folder”,
“message”: “Success”
- “status”: 0,
- {
- “status”:number,
- “status”:number,
- {
- “status”:1,
“result”:”Invalid Parameters”,
- “status”:1,
Change Password
curl -X GET
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Bidder – Dashboard
curl -X GET
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userdetails |
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“message”: “success” -
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- {
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- {
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“result”:”Invalid Parameters”,
- “status”:1,
Bidder – Event Dashboard
/dashboard/Bidder – Event Dashboard
curl -X GET
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- {
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“result”:”Invalid Parameters”,
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Paid Auctions
curl -X GET
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userdetails |
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“data” : “Failed to authenticate token.”
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- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 401,
“data” : “Login Required”
- “success” : false,
- {
- “success” : false,
“res_code” : 401,
“data” : “login token missing”
- “success” : false,
curl -X GET
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- {
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Add to Watchlist
curl -X POST
Name | Description |
userdetails |
- {
- “success” : boolen,
“res_code” : int,
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- {
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“data” : “Failed to authenticate token.”
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- {
- “success” : false,
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- {
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- {
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“data” : “Already added to watchlist”
- “success” : false,
Bid History
curl -X GET
Name | Description |
userdetails |
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“data” : “Failed to authenticate token.”
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“data” : “Login Required”
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- {
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“data” : “login token missing”
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Change Password
curl -X POST
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userdetails |
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